Some photos sent by customers:
- Wolf XII Woodsman custom sheath for Benchmade 163- bk Sibert knife
- Wolf EDC Pocket Knife sheath for Izula 2 with scales
J.W. (Sweden)
- Wolf V Bushcraft sheath for Tops BOB Fieldcraft knife
- Wolf IV Survival sheath for Chris Reeve Green Beret 7 knife
- Wolf custom Pouch for Cammenga Compass
- Wolf XII Woodsman custom sheath for a custom knife (made in Sweden by Håkan Johansson)
- Wolf EDC Dog Collar
- Wolf custom Quiver
- Wolf XII Woodsman custom sheath for Fällkniven F1pro X knife
- Wolf XII Woodsman custom sheath for Fällkniven A1 knife
C.W. (Switzerland)
- Wolf Multi-Tool Pouch for Leatherman Charge TTI - Bit Kit - Extender
F.W. (Netherlands)
- Wolf custom sheath for Wander Tactical San Mai URO knife and Spartan Enyo knife
- Wolf III Predator plain sheath for Busse TGULB
- Wolf XII Woodsman custom sheath
-Wolf II upgrade sheath for Fällkniven S1 knife
- Wolf EDC Pocket Knife sheath customized for a Spartan Enyo knife
- Wolf EDC Belt
- Wolf Multi-Tool custom Pouch II for Victorinox Swisstool Spirit
- Wolf Clash Hook
Wolf Equipment Belt with:
1) two Wolf Cartridge Holders for 6 bullets (each) with Molle system
2) Wolf Multi-Tool Pouch for Leatherman Signal with two flashlight loops
3) Wolf Survival Pouch 2nd Gen for a large Suma container
4) Wolf Survival Pouch without loops
5) Wolf III upgrade sheath for Fällkniven A1 (plain sheath with just one firesteel loop) ... plus Wolf Gun Belt, Wolf Survival Pouch 2nd Gen (without loops), Wolf Survival Pouch, Wolf Axe Carrier for Karesuando hunting axe, Wolf Equipment Sling, Wolf Bushcraft Mess Tin Holder for Keith Titanium Canteen and cup military mess kit, Wolf Pocket Wallet and Wolf Card Sleeve Wallet
Wolf III Fieldcraft sheath for Esee 6 knife
Wolf XII Woodsman custom sheath for Hinderer Ranch Bowie knife
C.B. (Sweden)
Wolf II Bushcraft sheath for Benchmade 162 knife
B.M. (USA)
Wolf custom sheath for Al Mar SF10 knife
Wolf III upgrade custom sheath for Busse Combat Nuclear Forsaken HOG Gemini knife
S.F. (Russia)
Wolf EDC Belt
Wolf EDC Belt
Wolf Zippo Pouch
H.B. (Germany)
Wolf III upgrade custom sheath for BUSSE Team Gemini knife
Wolf Equipment Belt
J.H. (USA)
Wolf Equipment Belt
Wolf Survival Pouch
Wolf Custom Bag
Wolf II Bushcraft sheath for Benchmade 162 Sibert knife with
polyamide adj. leg strap - AustriAlpin Cobra buckle and
Wolf Low Carry sheath Adapter
R.K. (Switzerland)
Wolf IV sheath for Fällkniven Tor knife
S.O. (Norway)
Wolf sheath for Fällkniven F1 knife
G.B. (Spain)
Wolf II Bushcraft sheath for Benchmade 162 Sibert knife
Wolf V Advanced custom sheath for Böker Plus Scout knife
Wolf IV Survival custom sheath for Böker Plus Rold knife
Wolf IV sheath for Fällkniven Tor knife
M.N (Italy)
Wolf III Predator custom sheath for BUSSE FSH knife
J.G. (Austria)
Wolf Equipment Pouch, Wolf Survival Pouch and Wolf EDC sheath for Fällkniven WM1 knife (customized)
C.P. (Germany)
Wolf V Advanced custom sheath for Benchmade 162 Sibert knife
K.J. (Poland)
Wolf Tactical Belt with Wolf IV sheath for Fällkniven Odin knife and Wolf EDC Multi-Purpose Pouch
D.T. (USA)
Wolf EDC sheaths for Fällkniven WM1 knives (customized)
C.P. & C.P. (Germany)
Wolf leather strap
N.G. (UK)
Wolf V Standard sheath for ESEE 4 knife and Wolf EDC sheath for ESEE Izula knife
C.G. (USA)
Wolf custom Dual sheath for ESEE 4 and ESEE Izula knives with Wolf Equipment Belt
F.A. (UK)
Wolf V custom sheath for Böker Plus BOB knife and Wolf III sheath for ESEE 6 knife
N.G. (UK)
N.G. (UK)
N.G (UK)
N.G (UK)
Wolf Quick-Release Keychain
R.K. (Switzerland)
Wolf custom sheath for Fällkniven F1 knife
C.P. (Germany)
Wolf III upgrade custom sheath for Bark River Bravo 1.5 knife
Wolf Survival Pouch
Wolf Multi-Tools Pouch
Wolf EDC Multi-Purpose Pouch...
R.K. (Switzerland)
Wolf II custom sheath for Fällkniven Frej knife
S.M. (Finland)
Wolf V Standard sheath for ESEE 4 knife
R.K. (USA)
Wolf VII Wilderness sheath for Fällkniven A2 knife and Wolf custom pouch for Fällkniven PXL
O. H. (Netherlands)
Wolf III custom sheath for ESEE 6 knife
J. G. (Austria)
J.G (Austria)
J.G. (Austria)
Wolf II upgrade sheath for Fällkniven S1 knife
D.L. (Sweden)
Wolf III custom sheath for Böker Plus Rold knife
B.R. (Spain)
Wolf II custom sheath for Perki (Damascus bushcraft knife) and Wolf Multi-Tools Pouch
A.H. (Germany)
Wolf V Advanced custom sheath for Böker Plus Scout knife
Wolf IV Survival custom sheaths for Böker Plus Rold knives
J.V. (USA)
Wolf custom sheath for Kukri Kabar knife

A.H. (UK)
Wolf V Advanced custom sheath for ESEE 4 knife
A.S. (USA)
Thank you all…
Sincerely Yours,
Manuel Janeiro
Wolf Wind Leatherworks